Description Title: 'ABSTRACT LIGHT STREAKS #168.'Creation Date: 25 May 2016.'ABSTRACT LIGHT STREAKS' SERIES.Series Years: 2015 - 2016.SERIES DESCRIPTION:This is a collection of nighttime, time-exposure, light streak photography. There is something about nighttime photography that I really like: it allows me to make light fluid and I can make it twist and turn however I wish to get the effect I want. There are some happy accidents too with this kind of photography. LOCATION:All of these photographs were created in Penang, Malaysia.Photography Genre: I would classify this as something I call, 'Active (or Fluid-Light) Abstract Expressionism Photography.' Copyright 2016 Nawfal Johnson.All Rights Reserved.Penang, Malaysia.NO UNAUTHORIZED USE! MY IMAGEKIND ART PRINT SALES WEBSITE LINK:, #Ankylosing-Spondylitis, #blue, #bug, #butterfly, #chaotic-otherworldly, #copper, #Depression, #digital, #fluid-light, #FLYING-ANT, #gold, #insect, #INSECTA, #Johnson, #light, #LOTUS, #lowlightphotography, #Malaysia, #masonic-art, #Morningstar, #moth, #mystical-art, #Nawfal, #nighttime, #nighttimephotography, #No-way-out, #Nur, #Penang, #photography, #purple, #red, #streak, #urban-lights, #violet, #yellow, abstract, light, streaks, #battleship-galactic, #Cylon, #centuries, #Centurion, #I-Robot, #illuminati, #Bilderbergers, #Bohemian-Grove, #New-World-Order, #Knights-Templer, #Secret-Societies, #1-percenters, #Free-Masons, #yellow,